Time is now and decision is to be made, if your interested in making your carrier possible pertaining to innovation vision and mission toward the so called great ecological niche of innovation success.

If your have questions in the following areas, then the only place that fits your is to apply for udom innovation challenge by visiting www.udom.ac.tz.
Questions are,
1. solving poverty in rural areas?
2. creating sustainable agriculture?
3. evacuation measures in risk areas with ecotech.?
4. re fill and re use of un-recycled materials?
And if that is the case, never give up, Udom innovation challenge have seen your insight and wants to share experiences with you towards your goals with no hesitation.
DO you want to save human race?
IS the current situation of world economy concern to you?
WHAT do you see when you look at starving people? is it argue of working hard to help them or you have lost the argue?
If these question troubles you, please follow the following tactical steps to make the grief inside you be subsided by making project with criterias like,
1. Addressing any of ( 1,2 5 and 9 SGD)the world's sustainable development goals
>No poverty
>Zero hunger
>Gender equality
>Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
2. Appropriate technology.
3. Commercial variability.
4. Environmental friendly
5. Sustainability
6. Scalability
And the mentioned above criterias follows the rules for evaluation the process of accessing the work you presented in the study.
Best Regards, brightermango.