What is something that most people don't know?
You’ve probably seen someone with their pants like that, “sagging”, but the funny thing is that most of these guys probably have no idea why they do it
The reason is actually quite simple
When the gangsters went to prison they all got the same sized pants, and they were too big for most of them. Also, in an attempt to prevent the prisoners from commiting suicide, belts were not allowed.
When they came out of prison they kept doing it, and it became some sort of sign that said “don’t mess with me. I’ve been in prison”
Later on people starting copying it and it became known as “sagging”
So, basically, if the people who are doing it haven’t gone to prison, they are just doing it because they saw someone else do it.
It also has origins in slavery, often times a discrete indication of homosexuality.
Source 😶 Menswear's