It is not us who are to tend for money and wealth, it is money and wealth that has to work for us. Life we have is bound not to purpose , destiny or fate; it was bount to Energy. I will talk more about energy later in this same writing.
So lets set an approach tackling this question, and a good approach here needs to be "NO ONE HERE IS TO BE BLAMED", This will simply mean that; you are not going to be depending on anyone anymore. So it is like saying, " I am ready to go through this tough road alone".
In answering question of life, blaming others has got no room or chance, a question that has been posed to you, belongs to you and asking someone to help is contrary ti what the guidelines are.
ECONOMY is simply a way of life that a person uses limited resources available to satisfy unlimited needs available around you. So intensifying your personal economy is inevitable thing, and what you have to figure out is how the available resources can be of help in solving your challenge. How can limited raw materials available can resolve an issue related to unlimited demands or needs, those needs might be school related, or wherever you are currently configured as living person.
For instance, You might be a father of four, and you are currently miserably poor, unable to feed those four kids you have. Here it means, your prime goal to answer in economic growth question should be:-
1. How can I answer cries, cries from young and defenless kids?
2. What is economy my strength?
3. Where does my economy weakness lies?
4. Does this mean "I am not capable" in supplying their basic needs?
5. What do I need to do, inorder to support my family(my kids).
Now lets talk about "ENERGY"
Covering solutions.
From Albert Einstein point of view, that E=mc^2 meaning
E=Energy of input, m=mass and c^2= squared speed of light.,Albert point of view being the case, so is our economy, I think the economy we have is somewhat tied to the level of energy we invest or invested.
The energy you use is conserved from one form to another, so it will never be lost in anyway. To tell you,the truth is Energy you spend always have changes whenever you apply or it was applied. Like from the law of CONSERVATION of energy, its obvious that ...
... "Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but it can be transported from one form to another"
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