Project name: Mini LED(DREAM LIGHT-KIGOMA) 

Commencement: Jan 2022.

Supported by : Dr Kim(Dr of engineering).

Executed by : Omary Mfaume(Bsc renewable energy engineering), Gwemela Michael,….


In tropical areas, the leading global climate changes occurs as a result of human activities from advanced/developed countries., especially activities that leads the emission of carbondioxide, carbonmonoxide, sulphur dioxide. CFC(CarbonfluoroCarbon) and nitrogen oxide...of which greenhouse blanket is made from. This greenhouse is what influences the global warming depleting the glaciers, and ice caps at the top of highest mountains like Kilimanjaro and Elgon mountains from east Africa and so far this alters the ecology all around the globe. 


Using renewable energy sources like solar energy and reducing the use of electrical appliances that emits greenhouse gases,particularly the use of gas bulb by using LED lamps, and this  is a simple interpretation of our whole project,so with our solar panels and mini LED we can offsets the issue and balance the ecological system of our planet earth.

This big project started as exploration for possibility of fishery lamps viability around great lakes in Tanzania, Dr Kim, getting support from KOICA, he made sure to visit both lakes to test for the catch, and under that criteria, the knowledge about how much is caught was obtained, and data from lake Victoria was much convincing as the catch seemed to be high and under that same criteria, nothing was caught from lake Tanganyika so conclusion came in that business is viable in lake Victoria MWANZA. and there were some modifications Dr did, of which one big thing was to try  another coloured LED and mount the LED to fishery inorder to lure fish during fishing activities.

During all this time, every detail was taken and one common thing appeared, most fishermen were ready to go on fishing after getting some money, that was around 200k Tanzania shillings or sometimes higher than that given the activities and hours we were to spend.  BUT in real sense the project is about helping people especially those who are in demand of lighting and fishermen are one of targeted group.

Then coming to  the project titled as DREAM LIGHT KIGOMA, came as a result of current rechargeable MINI LED in streets to lack behind, especially the cost behind, so with other product that came along with fishery lamps, suggestion was  that, we need to replace them with MINI LED we have, instead of renting our mini led lamps for 500tzs, we were going to rent ours for 300tzs… so we are going to solve cost issue by lowering it to 40%.


Dream light kigoma,is a name of mini led light lamps, under Murika charter, where OMARY MFAUME  and GWEMELA CONRAD are the preforming executives, with technical support from Dr Kim( south Korea) and safety from local governments for safety and legal affidavit (United Republic of Tanzania). 

 Dream light stands as a distinguished project as it help community we are coming from, with min led we actually accompany it with PV-CELLS  as they will provide renewable energy source from remote area where accessing the national grid is almost impossible. We can add up more accessories but with the stage we are, it is not good idea to delegate a whole strength we have and instead we can concentrate it to get what we need, and doing this is like gathering strength going forward.

   Thought nothing yet has came to light up to now, but progress has been achieved from the point of view that we are on a right path toward our prime goal of clean and safe energy. And our focus is to make sure remote households that are far from national electrical grid access our products.


With our LED lamp, one can light non stop his or her lamp up to 8hours,it has Li-ion battery having 2200mA and the output voltage up to 3.7V and making it last  up to 8.14Watthours, it can be used as fishing lamp for it has waterproof wrapped over.

Also the circuit body uses nanotechnology and making it less pollutant to environments, as result now, our lamps become very small and also very comfortable carry with. With our products especially MINI LED  lamps, the use of leftover bottles to cover our PCBA.

Also  our LED are of 2Watts, giving bright light and coloured illumination for long time, inorder to charge this lamp, you can charge it from solar.


project started as exploration for possibility of fishery lamps viability around great lakes in Tanzania, Dr Kim, getting support from KOICA, he made sure to visit both lakes to test for the catch, and under that criteria, the knowledge about how much is caught was obtained, and data from lake Victoria was much convincing as the catch seemed to be high and under that same criteria, nothing was caught from lake Tanganyika so conclusion came in that business is viable in lake Victoria MWANZA. and there were some modifications Dr did, of which one big thing was to try  another coloured LED and mount the LED to fishery inorder to lure fish during fishing activities.

During all this time, every detail was taken and one common thing appeared, most fishermen were ready to go on fishing after getting some money, that was around 200k Tanzania shillings or sometimes higher than that given the activities and hours we were to spend.  BUT in real sense the project is about helping people especially those who are in demand of lighting and fishermen are one of targeted group

 these listed below were experienced challenges.

  1. Poor transport ( no luxury car or buss equipped with inside toilets,and leaning seats)

  2. Miscommunication 

  3. Mobile phones are dead and therefore updating data was almost impossible to my side..

And these below are merits from this exploration.

  1. Data related to fishery lamp was obtained.

  2.  Mwanza proved for the possibility of profitable business

  3. Solar world seemed to be cooperating  with us during our last visit and gave on some suggestions that would help.

  4. Experiencing actual fishing from lake Tanganyika to Lake Victoria.

  5. Starting business up to now is possible, especially MINI LED.


  1. FRAME(SHOP/STORE)  as distribution and repair point centre for MINI LED, since March 2022.

  2. Promotion is positive as the demand is very high.

  3. Repair kits or repair tools are available and assembling can be made from the store.

  4. There are hundreds of PV-CELLS.

  5. Hundreds of Li-ion batteries are available given by Dr kim as a starting capital.

(one big thing is to be noted that, there are three boxes of PV CELLS, and only one box is supposed to be used, and in case of batteries, one box is supposed to be used again and leaving the rest for further use)


  1. Solar inverter

  2. Li ion batteries

  3. All electronic accessories

  4. Tailoring products are of higher demand

  5. Solar energy STANDALONE Power supply system.


  1. Local government consultation about this project, 

  2. Coming up with proper writing and invite investors to convince them fund our project as fast as possible

  3. Analyzing the running cost so that to lessen administration burden like store monitoring and promotion thing.


Our speed is very slow!


-We have to prepare best write up and visit several potential investors like statoil, DTP( Deutsch-Tansanische Partnerschaft). and COSTECH.

- we also have to gather funds from ourselves, starting with each ome of us.

  • researching about the challenges that third world countries are experiencing related to Energy sources or lighting difficult.

-Frankly speaking, I am running out of renting money for the coming months...the money is going to end 1/July/2022. We can get where we want by  being cooperative.

prepared by Gwemela Conrad Michael.. 

remarks and comments can be adressed to 

or here on whatsapp.

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"Butterflying ideas to you. We make your day, brightens it and inspire your night"~GWEMELA

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