Its okay to not be okay, its fine to feel the pain that you are into, life can have taste that anguish all of us, we are to face the same feeling within this lifetime, but we may differ on how we cope with the situation, and also that is not a problem….not a problem at all, as we can always asses the cause and from there we are to awake the energy within.

 But wait, THE FEELING YOUR EXPERIENCING ARE ALL VALID, YOUR NOT ALONE AND SUPPORT IS AVAILABLE, You may be in environments   that makes you asks yourself “Why am I here?” and whether you can handle it?, this is natural response to any of the negative experience that we encounters.

 Though you cant get it, as how you got where you are, you have to know your feeling or emotions are real and ignoring them will only add a pile of problem to your future emotion experience. And another important thing is, these feeling has to not be permanent and they have to be solved earlier, go seek support and help from people with mental health skilled workers and the professionals. As this can help manage and overcome your emotional pain.

 But sometimes this can not be within your own capacity, so you may opt to call emergence support from lifeline supports that is located nearby you.


First of all congratulations for reading up this far, and the thing here is, your pain has a valid reason for it, specifically your own reason and well, sometimes it has to not make sense or to make sense to others, since its you who holds it as a reason for the pain that your passing through. Some reasons might be.

 1. Kind of hard time that your experiencing giving you painful experience in this life.

2. Unanswered remorse from traumatic events leading to a lot of distress and       

3. Unresolved emotions from Abusive or Brutal life experiences.

4. Mental health condition like clinical depression and bipolar disorders.




When you walk with the pain feeling you have for a long time, the pain will be heavy and get higher therefore lift the risk and cause you harm that you would  have escaped from, think this one, when you look in the loop hole, you just look exactly toward single direction, and that is too blinding as you will not observe the other part of your viewing region and therefore misses sight.


So if you make rash decision, especially when you have painful experience, the decision you are to make will be guided with your own loop hole sight of viewing. Please do not make rash decision now, because      your pains are like loop hole only guiding you to your total downfall, so take these steps to recover from your problems….



 1. Re-frame your thoughts.

 “feeling hurt is an okay emotion to have. It is a part of you but does not define you as whole and does not need all the power”says Claret, a senior psychologist at the university of Dodoma, from faculty of social Science. This means you can take the pain away by altering your power concentration, you can take away the pain by shifting how you approach the emotion.

Like, instead of saying I feel hurt, just say right now I am feeling pain because of breaking up with my girl or boyfriend, and using this way you get to acknowledge the pain without  being consumed in it… and a good thing here is, you are not feeling that way because you want to feel that way.

2. Do some grounding exercises.

Sometimes pains overpowers you, and that being a case, you can sometimes not notices things around you at a right moment. So drawing or bringing yourself to sense may sometimes move you away from pains, take these points into actions when you feel like emotion is about to rise.

Lure the emotion back to normal by:

A. Sight.

Count the thing around you, colored materials, put on your favorite movie and watch it,  if not so, you be loving a certain kind of book, especially a novel book.

B. Smell

Go and bake cookies, spray air-freshener or your favorite perfume or lotion.

C. Sound

Go areas with natural sound, like that of birds, talk back loud to what you see  or hear around you, sometime you just need to hum to yourself or use the mantra phrase like “I’M LOVE AND LIGHT”

D. Taste

Go to a shop and get new taste or a taste of your favorite, make sure you buy something like gum, or soft drink that may awake the chill feeling. Go eat something spice or sour.

E. Touch.

Hug anything nearby, may be a pillow nearby, give your pet a soft cuddle, hold warm foods in your hands, or let an ice cube melts in your palm, flew some cold water to your face, take a cold or warm shower, and also if you can, go and scream to while holding tight to your pillow.

3. Feel into your body.

When the pain is still immense, stop focusing only on feelings or emotions that are from mental world rather focus deep on your body, and that may help you a lot. Try somatic therapy as prescribed by physician.

4. Write your feelings

Sounds like crazy thing doing, but do it, it will lift off your pain and make you feel better again, jot your pain down by following these questions:

l Why I am on this?

l What evidence support this thoughts?

l How else can I think about this thoughts?

l What does these thoughts needs from me?

l Is this feeling help me?

l Is this feeling hurting , or going to be hurting me?

l Can I withstand this feeling?

l Was there any day I felt like this and what did I do?


5. List the things that you love the most.


Start from the things you already have to the things that you expected to have maybe in the future, go on the list and then list the things that you wish to acquire in the future.

From the list, look up on the things that your not having them, make a plan of getting them, from there start going for it and on doing so , the inner energy of hope will rise again and help you go on with the life you were recently feeling pain or trying not live again.


6. Get further help from psychologists.

Within this article there are just few tips that we have given the community for maintaining emergency relief for those who are currently trying their best to be out of the problems.

Thank you for reading this,


This is brightermango purpose.

"Butterflying ideas to you. We make your day, brightens it and inspire your night"~GWEMELA

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